Popsicle craft : Christmas Popsicle star making #17

Hello all,

Popsicle craft : Christmas star making 

Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 7

Have you all finished your final touch ups of Christmas decor at home? I had like loads of ideas and wanted my house to look all festive n stuff but this office work pours in on you only at the last moment! Plus i sprained my right knee plus we are anyways going home by 21st so i was like why am i even decorating so much when im not gonna be here for Christmas. But even then my crafty hands were itching seeing all the Christmas decor on other blogs n Facebook so i made this few little things for our home 🙂 Tutorial for Popsicle stars for Christmas first .

Materials required to make Christmas Popsicle star 

Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial

  1. Popsicle sticks (6 for one star)
  2. Craft glue/Hot glue
  3. Paint & Brush

Stepwise tutorial for making Christmas Popsicle star 

This is like the easiest star making tutorial. I mean i guess even my one year old daughter them if she doesn’t get tempted to start chewing the sticks up :P.

  1. Take your Popsicle sticks and put a drop of glue on the ends of each of the stick to stick three of them together into a triangle. Just make sure that on the each of the sticks, you put drops on opposite ends.
  2. Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 1
  3. Better make all triangles at a go for how much ever Popsicle stars that you intend to make and let them dry.If not dried properly, they might wobble and end up in shapeless stars!
  4. Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 1
  5. Now that you have finished up all your triangles, you can choose any two triangles and superposition them one over the other such that you get a star shape. Now to put glue you will have only 2 sides maybe that touch each other which is more than enough to hold the star together.
  6. Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 3
  7. If you are using hot glue, make sure you apply lesser quantity of the glue cz once you press it down, the excess is going to pop out like a bubble in between your star ( which btw happened to me!)
  8. If you have spray paint well and good – just lay them all on a newspaper and spray paint the popsicle stars. Else take the pain like me to paint them one by one.
  9. Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 4
  10. I’m so horrible at painting cz I just don’t understand the funda of handling the wobbly slushy paint brush! Anyhow I finished up painting coats over coats to give it a solid color.
  11. Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 5
  12. Dry them well and your popsicle stars for christmas is ready for action 🙂
  13. Chrsitmas popsicle star tutorial 7

How to use Christmas Popsicle star 

I made six popsicle christmas stars this time and used 5 of them as wall decals. You can stick them with hot glue or even put double-sided tape behind them. The last one i placed it on my christmas tree 😀

Did you guys notice my new watermark?? I have posted a tutorial as to how to make such a watermark in Photoshop HERE. Do check them out and also hang on to see tutorial on how to make mini christmas trees 🙂


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