Shampoo Bottle Recycle Craft #6

Hello Angels!

Bottle recycle ?? Yes you heard it right ๐Ÿ™‚ Yesterday was quick craft day! I had these empty shampoo and conditioner bottle lying around for quite a while and have been thinking about making something out of it. I sat searching for bottle recycle crafts and i had like loads of inspiration projects! In fact I never knew so much could be done with waste bottles!

bottle recycle pen holder[irp posts=”2284″ name=”Upcycled Tin Can Pen Holder”]

The bottles i had were wierd shaped in the sense look at the pic below! So i had no option but to make a pen holder out of it ๐Ÿ™‚


Materials required to make shampoo bottle recycle craft : pen holder

  • Waste shampoo bottle
  • Sharp knife
  • Nail file or any file/sand paper etc
  • Washi tape (optional)
  • Ribbons & embellishments ( optional)

Instructions for bottle recycle craft : pen holder

  1. Cut out your bottle into half the size with the help of your knife. Shampoo bottles are quite harder when compared to water bottles so they are quite strong and sturdy but at the same time quite a work to cut out.
  2. My bottle was kinda flat shaped so I decided to make a chair shape cutout so as to balance the weight of the pens once it is put into use. And also, I had in mind that once i get bored of this pen holder, i could put a hole on it to hang it somewhere as a random holder ๐Ÿ˜›
  3. The cut out was so random shaped but i used my foot file (:D) to smoothen out and create a better shape at the cut edges.
  4. Now your bottle recycle pen stand is ready! So easy ! All you have to do is CUT!!
  5. My bottle recycle pen stand was just way too pink for my husband to handle so I did some washi tape and ribbon works to give it a non-pinky look :)!
  6. I just loved how so well the washi tape hid all those rough edged that I had filed out!

Here is how my bottle recycled pen holder came out at the end ๐Ÿ™‚


bottle recycle pen holder

Another view ๐Ÿ™‚

bottle recycle pen holder


Here are more bottle recycle crafts ( pen holders) that i loved so much and im definitely trying it out some time.

bottle recycle craft


bottle recycle craft


So are you inspired to collect your bottles to head up for mission bottle recycle craft??

If you are, do consider sharing my post and also, leave your valuable comments and suggestion!

Thanks for stopping by ๐Ÿ™‚

xoxo Angela

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